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Definition of the word \"Voice\" from an explanatory dictionary. 

Etymology: Middle English voice, vois,
from Old French vois, voiz

1 Sound made using vocal organs: the sound produced by using the vocal organs, especially the sound used in speech

2 Sound of singing: the musical sound produced in singing

3 Ability to use voice: the ability to produce vocal sounds for speaking or singing

3.1 Example: have a good voice

4 Phonetics vibration of vocal cords in speaking: the passing of air across the vocal cords so as to create audible vibrations

5 Verb (past and past participle voiced, present participle voicing, 3rd person present singular voices)

5.1 Transitive verb speak something: to express a sentiment or opinion verbally

5.2 Transitive verb phonetics pronounce something using vocal cords: to pronounce a consonant or vowel by passing air across the vocal cords so as to create audible vibrations

5.3 Transitive verb music regulate tone of organ: to regulate the tone of an organ pipe in order to produce the desired sound

5.4 Media do voiceover for: to provide the voiceover for a character in a cartoon or a radio or television advertisement

6 Sound like human voice: a sound similar to a human voice

6.1 Example: listening to the voice of the wind

7 Right to state opinion: a right to express an opinion

7.1 Example: sections of society that feel they have no voice

8 Expressed opinion: an expressed opinion or desire

8.1 Example: hear the voice of the people

9 Representative expression: a medium of communication or expression for somebody or something

9.1 Example: the voice of reason

10 Music singer: a singer taking a part in a musical composition

11 Music singing part: a sung part in a musical composition

12 Grammar form of verb: the form of a verb that indicates the relation of the subject to the verb. In the active voice, the subject performs the action, as in "I hit him," while in the passive voice the subject suffers the effect of the action, as in "he was hit."