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The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis

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The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis

Who are the characters?

Pevensie children

Lucy is the youngest of the children and the first to discover Narnia. She is very sweet and soft-hearted.
Edmund is a little older than Lucy. He is dishonest, and likes to hurt Lucy's feelings.
Susan is next. She is a lot like Lucy, only older.
Peter is the oldest. He is clever and good. He is the leader of the Pevensie children.
Aslan is the magical lion who is the true ruler of Narnia. He brings the spring back into the winter land and everyone loves him, except for the White Witch!
The White Witch
The White Witch is evil through and through. She brought the winter to Narnia, but never lets Christmas come. If someone makes her angry, she will turn them into stone.
Mr. Tumnus
Mr. Tumnus is the first Narnian that Lucy meets. He is a faun. That is a creature that is part man and part goat, and he's very kind. He makes the White Witch angry and she turns him into stone, but Aslan turns him back.
Professor Kirke
The children are staying with Professor Kirke. He is very clever and lets them do almost anything they want. The Professor believes Lucy's story.
Where does the story take place?

Professor Kirke's house
His house is in England. It is a wonderful old house, full of interesting rooms to explore.
The Land of Narnia
A magic land under the spell of a wicked witch.
What happens in the story?

Arrival at Professor Kirke's
The children are sent to the country to live with Professor Kirke because there are bombs in London. I think it is World War II.
Discovery of the Wardrobe
When the children are playing hide-and-seek, Lucy hides in an old wardrobe. The wardrobe is full of fur coats. Lucy goes back further and further until she finds herself in a wintry place with a lamp post. She meets a faun named Tumnus and they have tea together. When she comes back, no one believes her story.

The next time Lucy goes to Narnia, Edmund follows her and meets the White Witch. She gives him some sweets, and traps him into doing what she wants. When they get back, Edmund lies and says Lucy invented the story.
Winter in Narnia
At first, the White Witch has made it so that it is always winter in Narnia.

Then Father Christmas arrives. Finally, spring comes to Narnia. The snow melts. The White Witch is very worried!
There is a legend that Aslan will return to Narnia when two "Sons of Adam" and two "Daughters of Eve" come to Narnia. When the Pevensie children arrive, the people of Narnia hope that Aslan will come and he does.
The sacrifice
Aslan lets the White Witch kill him, but he comes back even stronger because of "magic from before the dawn of time" and the witch is defeated.

Narnia is free. Edmund is very sorry and Aslan forgives him.
Peter becomes King of Narnia
Edmund is a king, too. Lucy and Susan are queens. They stay for years and grow up, but one day they find the wardrobe again and have to go back. Then they are kids again.
What is the writer trying to say?

Be brave

Good will win