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Uses of Music in the Classroom

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Uses of Music in the Classroom by Jan Polack December 1999 from www.schoolmaps.demon.co.uk 
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Uses of Music in the Classroom

Title: 900-006  Uses of Music in the Classroom


Subject: Creative ways to use music in and around school

Author & Date: Jan Polack   December 1999


Ways to use:


Map Type: MindManager map

1 Interesting!

1.1 Dr Mark McKergow

1.1.1 mark@mckergow.com.

1.2 New Branch

1.3 New Branch

1.4 New Branch


2.1 Walk-ins

2.1.1 bouncy and bright, culturally acceptable

2.2 Relaxation

2.2.1 calming - slow and steady

2.3 Energisers

2.3.1 upbeat

2.3.2 can speed up meachanical tasks

2.4 Imagery

2.4.1 evocative but unobstrusive

2.4.2 don't use music with strong associations

2.5 Rhythmic Learning

2.5.1 good tempo and beat

2.5.2 good for raps, songs, poems etc.

2.6 passive "concert review"

2.6.1 review lesson content over music

2.6.2 slow, Baroque

2.7 brain "priming"

2.7.1 research claims that listening to some music for 10 mins before learning/testing can raise spatio-temporal IQ

2.7.2 abstract thinking

2.7.3 maths

2.7.4 problem solving

2.8 concentrating

2.8.1 slow, quiet, instrumental

2.8.2 Baroque, Mozart, New Age

2.8.3 short bursts


3.1 Reptilian

3.1.1 changes in heart beat

3.1.2 changes in temperature

3.1.3 speed and rhythm

3.1.4 autonomic responses

3.2 Limbic/middle

3.2.1 emotional response

3.2.2 recalling

3.2.3 creating memories

3.2.4 melody

3.2.5 harmony

3.2.6 intervals

3.2.7 feeds back to autonomic response

3.3 Neo-Cortex

3.3.1 thinking

3.3.2 language

3.3.3 imagination

3.3.4 contextual memory "our song" remembering where you were or who you were with when you heard the music

3.3.5 visualistion

3.3.6 pattern

3.3.7 melody

3.3.8 music as a whole


4.1 New Branch

4.2 New Branch

4.3 New Branch

4.4 New Branch

5 Do's and Don't's

5.1 cd's better than tapes

5.2 good sound system

5.3 preview before you use

5.4 fade up and down - no sudden stops or starts

5.5 volume


6.1 Music

6.1.1 theme tunes for each group

6.1.2 walk-ins

6.1.3 cue to start/stop working

6.1.4 emotional response

6.1.5 use for language development

6.2 English

6.2.1 empathy

6.2.2 rhythms to learn spellings

6.2.3 link to literature

6.3 Science/Maths

6.3.1 raps/chants to aid memory

6.3.2 problem solving

6.4 Humanities

6.4.1 music from various times and places

6.4.2 empathy

6.5 PSE

6.5.1 to help timing of activities

6.5.2 energisers

6.5.3 use 'concert review' to aid reflection

6.6 Drama

6.6.1 moods

6.6.2 setting the scene

6.6.3 theme tunes

6.6.4 imagery

6.6.5 historical

6.7 Languages

6.7.1 teaching sounds of words through song

6.7.2 translate songs

6.7.3 music from different countries

6.8 PE/Dance

6.8.1 mood

6.8.2 energisers

6.8.3 relaxation

6.9 Assemblies

6.9.1 visualisation

6.9.2 empathy

6.9.3 walk-ins and walk-outs